Mischo, W. (July/August 2005). Digital Libraries: challenges and influential work. D-Lib Magazine. 11(7/8). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july05/mischo/07mischo.html
This was an interesting article to me. I had never heard of DLl-1 and DLl-2 before. The article gave a background for some of the early digital library projects. It went on and talked about the funding and how the internet was relatively new at the time and was instrumental in moving libraries forward into the technological age.
Paepcke, A. et al. (July/August 2005). Dewey meets Turing: librarians, computer scientists and the digital libraries initiative. D-Lib Magazine. 11(7/8). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july05/paepcke/07paepcke.html
Lynch, Clifford A. "Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age" ARL, no. 226 (February 2003): 1-7. http://www.arl.org/resources/pubs/br/br226/br226ir.shtml
This article discusses many of the issues we have touched on in all of our classes. The amount of information produced from institution is exponential and to organize and store it in a way that is easily retrievable is a monumental task. Institutions must have or develop repositories that are adequate.
Muddiest point:
I do not have any muddiest point for this week.
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