Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week Two Four Decades of Technological Advancement: Bigger is NOT Better!

Personal computer hardware

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The basic nuts and bolts of todays personal computer...Motherboard to Mouse
Nicely labeled, succinct, clear definitions.

Moore's law

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The doubling of transistors on an integrated circuit every two years projected to continue another 15 years.

Digital electronics tied to Moor's law ..processing speed, memory capacity, sensors, pixel size and numbers in cameras.

Gordon Moore - Intel Founder

Obsolescence - rapid improvement may = rapid obsolescence.  Not exactly a
, but wouldn't the financial burden of a two year technological obsolescence deter advancement?

What is Moore's Law? (Video)

Episode 2 of our Instant Egghead series tackles the law behind ever more powerful computers

By The Editors   

Loved this 60 second video. The paper folding drove the point home.

Computer History Museum

This was so cool and I see virtual museums more and more especially connected to archives and preservation. One thing leads to another.

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