Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week One Reading Notes and Random Thoughts

Information Format Trends: Content, Not Containers (2004)

Legitimacy of open-source publishing (e.g. blogs)
Rapidly expanding economics of microcontent
Repurposing of "old" content for new media
Multimedia content as a service for an array of portable devices

It does not matter so much the package or delivery mechanism variations  but the content does.

Libraries have dealt with these variations and will continue.  “search, find
and obtain”
'commoditization of content and the growing array of technology that
underpins the personal and social publishing phenomenon'

  Librarian as experts must embrace ways to distribute content to users

  e-books, scholarly materials use increases due to digitally available material

  OA -open access and budget smaller or larger?

  "libraries should move beyond the role of collector and
  organizer of content, print and digital, to one that establishes the authenticity and
  provenance of content"

Information Literacy and Information Technology Literacy: New
Components in the Curriculum for a Digital Culture
Clifford Lynch

information technology literacy - understanding of basic foundation and the tools of technology
information literacy deals with content and understanding of information
both forms essential-distinct but inter conected
Teaching two sets must be coordinated- 2 perspectives
1. SKILLS use of tools...spread sheets, word processing...
2. UNDERSTANDING technologies, system, infrastructure work
including fluency

Muddiest Point
Not sure how understanding on a deep level the underpinnings of technology makes us better librarians. We can see just from these reports and what we know of the exponential growth and change in technology that what we learn today will be different tomorrow or when we are on the job, Can't we learn what we need to know when we need to know it for our job? It is only then that we would have an appreciation for the deeper workings of the technology.

Library Hi Tech

Library automation, Library networks, Library systems, Technology led strategy
 what constitutes “information technology”.
technology is constantly evolving

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